In early April 2015, we had the privilege of traveling to Statesville, NC and visit the facilities of Badger Sport. We met with local, regional, and national sales representatives as well as company owner, Jerry Carr. Our trip was a whirlwind, but what we learned will stay with us for years to come. During our tour we were able to visit the lab where Badger implements 20 different test methods to ensure quality in color, performance, washing, and wearablity of every single garment they manufacture. We toured the warehouse which holds approximately 6.6 MILLION garments at any given time; as well as the screen printing department & sewing department where custom orders are shipped within 10 days. We were also given the opportunity to check out new garments that will be available for 2016, as well as give feedback on product samples already in the works for 2017! Riedel Sports encourages all of our customers to wear Badger Sport and stand behind their apparel 110%. Contact us for more information and how to place your order today!!!
"Badger Sport has become synonymous with comfort, style, durability, and value. B-Wear, if you wear it, you will B-lieve. Just-B."